What is CABS?

This site will help high school students and teachers find original, independent science research topics and questions that can be done without a professional lab...these can be done in a school lab or even in one's basement! The project ideas and research questions being developed and presented here have been vetted and could lead to true discoveries, and not just finding already known results. See our Welcome message. These are the types of projects that could be done and submitted to high school contests such as the Regeneron Science Talent Search, Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, or the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair, and be competitive. If you have an idea to share, or a question about one of the project ideas, contact us at vondracekm@eths202.org.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Interesting experiment to investigate sound from clapping hands

 This is an interesting study into the sound created when we clap our hands. And what's more, this is a potential project setup for research of your own. The technique used was filming the patterns of air coming out from one's clapping hands by using baby powder. If you have access to any level of high-speed video tools, you could study these patterns, and compare them between various shaped objects coming together in a clapping manner. Investigate similarities and differences as functions of shape, size, mass, size of the cavities formed when the two objects come together, and anything else you can think of! If you have 3-D printers, you can design different shaped objects and cavities, and so on. 

Here's a brief video of this technique. 

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