
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Former students do a CABS type project to help fight COVID-19

Former students, now attending Vanderbilt University in Nashville, came up with an idea to help fight COVID-19. Cell phones are things we all use and touch, especially teens and college students, dozens if not hundreds of times per day. And we touch our phones constantly after doing any daily tasks, which involves touching all sorts of other items, sometimes in public spaces. What if there are patches of objects covered by a virus like COVID-19? That means our phones can be covered with the virus and easily transferred to any other location we go. While we hopefully wash our hands, the virus could still be on our phone!

These students found an article with an interesting bit of information, that COVID-19 did not remain on copper surfaces. What if a cheap copper plated cell phone case could be made and sold? The students worked on the specs, got a 3-D printed prototype of a case, and then copper plated it themselves in a garage. They are now getting ready to sell these special cases. Check out how they describe going through this process! 

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